It seems pretty safe to assume now that the 3G iPhone we are all waiting patiently for will be launched in late June. AT&T has sent out an email to its retail sales staff indicating that they should not take vacation between June 15th and July 12th because there will be a product release that will result in large amounts of customer traffic in the retail stores. This is the best indication yet that Apple will indeed be releasing the 3G iPhone in June and what better day than on the 1 year anniversary of the iPhone release to release the next generation iPhone.
Now there are talks of the iPhone coming in three models as well. There is rumored to be a $399 8GB version, $499 16GB version, and a $599 32GB version available. We will just have to wait to see, but all of this is getting me really excited about the new iPhone coming out (I am such a sucker for cool gadgets!).