There are lots of third party applications out for the Apple iPhone now, but which one is the best? Obviously it depends on what tyoe of program you are looking for. I am going to do a review of the best applications that I have used on the iPhone so far for a few different categories. Today's review is Customize:
Customize is one of the most basic applications for the iPhone, but it does a great job doing what it is intended to do; allow you to customize your iPhone. The reason I like this application so much is that it is easy to use and allows for tons of customizations. You download customization packages from installer and then you have options when you launch Customize. Everything is laid out very simply and allows you to change all of the icons and sounds. It is almost like the settings that your settings are missing. The only problem I have had with this application is Summerboard interfering. If you do not turn off the dock background for a theme for instance, when you change it in Customize it will not change. Thankfully Summerboard allows you to turn off individual segments of the themes so that you can use Customize on the things that you want to.
If you want an application that allows you some freedom on the iPhone without messing it up too much then Customize is a great place to start.